Il est temps de lever la pancarte, les pancartes.

On écrit dessus, puis on la lève.

Mais que vais-je écrire dessus. Je n’ai pas le nom. Des feelings, des envies, mais impossible de mettre un nom.

J’ai l’impression d’être au bord… d’approcher… et de reculer en même temps. Ou tout simplement de tourner autour.


Bon sang, je m’aperçois que la chanson qui passe à l’instant dans mon ipod s’appelle « Whenever I say your name

 » de Sting

, je vous jure que c’est vrai :p]

Hier, une ostéopathe que je voyais pour la première fois de ma vie me dit après la séance son feeling : qu’elle avait l’impression que mes émotions et mon travail n’allaient pas dans le même sens, que débloquer le corps pouvait aussi libérer les émotions.

Depuis 5 ans chaque année est assez intense dans ma vie : il s’est passé chaque année des choses  importantes. Et cette année semble partie pour être marquante.

Bon moi je pars en week-end récupérer mon fils.

Je vous laisse sur les paroles de cette chanson de Sting (à la fin de ce billet), dont j’écoutais plus la musique que les mots. Je me marre bien en les lisant après avoir écrit ça.

Et d’ailleurs, qu’écririez-vous sur la pancarte ?


It’s time to hold up the sign, the signs.

Let’s write a name on it, then hold it up.

What shall I write on it ? I have no name. I have feelings, wills, but can’t put down a name. It’s like beeing on the edge, come close, step back in the same time. Or maybe

turning around.

[Oh my… I just realize that the song playing in my ipod right now is « 

Whenever I say your name
 » by
. I swear it’s true !]

Yesterday I had my back fixed by an osteopath I was seeing for the very first time. When I was putting my clothes back on she told me her feeling : that my

body was streched by my emotions and my work because they are not following the same path, that « unlocking » the body’s tensions could also help unlock the emotionnal level.

During the last 5 years, every year has been quite intense. Every year has had its load of events. This year looks like it’s going to be one of the same kind…

I let you read Sting’s lyrics : I was listening to the music, not the words. I’m laughing now that I read them after what I’ve just written.

By the way, what would you write on the sign ?

Whenever I say your name, whenever I call to mind your face
Whatever bread’s in my mouth, whatever the sweetest wine that I taste
Whenever your memory feeds my soul, whatever got broken becomes whole
Whenever I’m filled with doubts that we will be together 

Wherever I lay me down, wherever I put my head to sleep
Whenever I hurt and cry, whenever I got to lie awake and weep
Whenever I kneel to pray, whenever I need to find a way
I’m calling out your name

Whenever those dark clouds hide the moon
Whenever this world has gotten so strange
I know that something’s gonna change
Something’s gonna change

Whenever I say your name, Whenever I say your name, I’m already praying, I’m already praying
I’m already filled with a joy that I can’t explain
Wherever I lay me down, wherever I rest my weary head to sleep
Whenever I hurt and cry, whenever I got to lie awake and weep
Whenever I’m on the floor
Whatever it was that I believed before
Whenever I say your name, whenever I say it loud, I’m already praying

Whenever this world has got me down, whenever I shed a tear
Whenever the TV makes me mad, whenever I’m paralyzed with fear
Whenever those dark clouds fill the sky, whenever I lose the reason why
Whenever I’m filled with doubts that we will be together

Whenever the sun refuse to shine, whenever the skies are pouring rain
Whatever I lost I thought was mine whenever I close my eyes in pain
Whenever I kneel to pray, whenever I need to find a way
I’m calling out your name

Whenever this dark begins to fall
Whenever I’m vulnerable and small
Whenever I feel like I could die
Whenever I’m holding back the tears that I cry

Whenever I say your name, whenever I call to mind your face
I’m already praying
Whatever bread’s in my mouth, whatever the sweetest wine that I taste
Wherever I lay me down, wherever I rest my weary head to sleep
Whenever I hurt and cry, whenever I’m forced to lie awake and have to weep
Whenever I’m on the floor
Whatever it was that I believed before
Whenever I say your name, whenever I say it loud, I’m already praying

Whenever I say your name,
No matter how long it takes,
One day we’ll be together

Whenever I say your name,
let there be no mistake
that day will last forever
